Factory Ship
SaniDate® 12.0 is an EPA registered microbicide for eliminating waterborne plant pathogens, bacteria and algae. SaniDate 12.0's activated peroxygen chemistry is a highly effective, powerful and economical solution for treating irrigation water and irrigation systems.
SaniDate 12.0 works through an oxidation chemical reaction that kills bacteria and fungus. More specifically, it reacts on contact with the enzymes and proteins that make up simple cell organisms such as plant pathogens.
SaniDate 12.0 eliminates algae and bacteria in irrigation water, drainage water, and ditches to stop the spread of disease to growing crops through contaminated water. It will suppress and control algae, bacteria, and fungi on contact. It can simply be added to the body of water, and will evenly mix throughout the water column. SaniDate 12.0 may also be chemigated into agricultural irrigation systems.
SaniDate 12.0 treats process waters for fruits and vegetables to control spoilage organisms in water for whole or fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can be sprayed or submerged for a minimum contact time of 45 seconds, followed by adequate draining. SaniDate 12.0 will control the growth of spoilage and decay in process waters and on the surface of fresh-cut or post-harvest fruits and vegetables.
SaniDate 12.0 may be used in all recycled water systems to prevent cross-contamination of plant pathogens found in irrigation systems and may be used in all evaporative and cooling systems to prevent the build-up of algae and bacterial biofilms.